We just got some blood test results back from a very satisfied customer.
The 40 yr old male had chronically low testosterone. He had his hormone values checked on 12/9/07 prior to running an 8 week 1-T THP ether / Superdrol cycle. His levels where at 289ng/dl.
For PCT I instructed him to use Sustain Alpha with Toco-8. He didn’t expect to get his T levels past 300ng/dl since he had had low T level for so long. After the cycle, he ran the PCT for 30 days, then got his hormones values tested 30 days after PCT.
After PCT, his results came back with the highest levels of Testosterone he had in years --782 ng/dl. You will also notice a reduction in LH/FSH. This shows that his testes where sensitized to the effects of the LH/FSH and where able to make more testosterone with less stimulation. Toco-8 helps make the testes more sensitive to LH/FSH – testicular sensitivity is key.
We sell the Testosterone Recovery Stack which includes Sustain Alpha, Toco-8 and EndoAmp (30 day supply). This is a complete, legal, PCT stack for only $119.99
You can purchase this stack here - www.primordialperformance.com
Thanks guys.
BTW, anyone who wants to run blood test before a cycle and after PCT we are open to work with. (We can supply blood tests with the purchase of the TRS)
We just ask that you have been off any and all cycles for atleast 3 months and have some general history on the board.