New member it is I was one of those chosen to do a log on black extreme. better late than never, it's 5 weeks later due to a partial tear of my lateral ulnar ligament in my right elbow, but i'm healed now and good to go. all my lifts are down way down, im currently benching 205x6 where I was at 245x6, im5'3" 165lbs keep in mind. and after a 5 week medical lay off. this is day 1 shoulders. front raises with 30's dumbbell flys with 30's upright rows with an 80lb curl bar superset with more flys with 20's, db shoulder presses with 45s or 50s whatever I can push today, and barbell shrugs at 225. all sets are 3x10 with minimal rest in between. let's see how fast this stuff gets my strength back. it will also be run with my trt dose of 100mg/ week of test c and nothing else but a good diet. alex