A controversy has always existed regarding the damage versus the benefits of alcohol. Let me preface my discussion of the conflicting view points by stating that the best drink in the world is fresh water. It enables the body to absorb and convert all foods into nutrients and is essential to getting rid of waste products. Bear in mind that alcoholic beverages do not constitute part of your liquid intake because the fluid content is necessary to transport the alcohol itself. In addition, one shot of hard liquor, such as gin, rum, or vodka, requires an eight-ounce glass of water taken with it to prevent dehydration of muscle tissue.
Hard liquor is also high in calories due to its alcohol content, which converts to sugar in the body. Each shot contains approximately 100 calories with a carbohydrate value of 25 grams, which must be included in your minimum required intake of protein, carbohydrates, and fats.
Many individuals use hard alcohol to mask conflicts, escape, reality, or avoid coping with reality. In these instances, they bring on more serious problems, such as degenerative diseases of the heart, liver, and blood vessels. An excessive intake of alcohol cuts off the supply of oxygen to the brain, killing a large number of brain cells, which are irreplaceable because they are incapable of reproducing. Many people who drank excessively for over 25 years had brains that were four pounds lighter than normal. For theses reasons I do not recommend hard liquor.
Beer and wine, however, are favorable when consumed in moderation because they are lower in alcohol content and less sugar- concentrated. A full bottle of beer, for example, contains 70-120 calories, depending on whether it is light or regular beer. The alcohol content ranges between 3 and 6 percent, making it low in sugar, a prime consideration for bodybuilders.
The alcohol content of wine is about 18 percent for sweet and 12 percent for dry varieties. Four ounces of sweet wine contains approximately 70 calories; the same amount of dry wine has about 40 calories. During the last few years, research has shown that wine is one of the best drinks for promoting the digestion of fats and proteins because it contains over 300 enzymes. The drier the wine, the higher its content of enzymes. Beer contains only a few, derived mainly from brewer's yeast and malt barley.
In summary, the body well utilizes a small amount of alocholic beverages, which should be kept at a minimum, preferably limited to one four-ounce glass of wine with lunch and another with dinner.
-"The bodybuilder's nutrition book" by Dr. Franco Columbu