Well this is what I do, I clean, season, and store my meats in ziplocks by day then freeze them, I do this on Sunday. I also clean all my veggies and place them into ziplocks. I make a pot of brown rice on sunday and store that in a container in the fridge. Then every night after I've been at work for 8 hours and at the gym for another 2 hours, I go home and cook a package of the meat. Eat 1 piece of the meat that night and bring the other with me to work the next day.
My nightly routine is this
put yogurt in a container, put 1 cup of rice and meat in another container, put a can of tuna in a container, 2 tbsp of peanut butter in another container, and veggies in ziplocks. And all of that food comes with me to work the next day.
Yes it takes time to adapt but really if you want to eat well then you'll make the time to prepare.