I just picked up Arnold's New Encylopedia for Modern BodyBuilding. When I read the Level I Basic Training I thought he was out of his mind. He says to train the entire body twice a week, 6 days on, 1 day off. What do you think about this? When you get to Level II Basic Training you're then doing the etire body three days a week with 6 days on, 1 day off and combinging Chest, Back and Legs Monday/Wednesday/Friday and then Shoulders, Arms, and Lower Back Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday. Here's the outlined program...
Monday and Thursday - Chest and Back
Bench Press
Incline Press
Chin-Ups (as many until you reach 50)
Bent-Over Rows
Deadlifts, 3 sets of 10, 6, 4 to failure
Tuesday and Friday - Shoulders and Arms
Barbell Clean and Press
Dumbbell Lateral Raises
Heavy Upright Rows, 3 sets of 10, 6, 4 to failure
Push Presses, 3 sets of 6, 4, 2 to failure
Standing Barbell Curls
Seated Dumbbell Curls
Close-Grip Press
Standing Tricep Extensions with Barbell
Wrist Curls
Reverse Wrist Curls
Wednesday and Saturday - Legs
Leg Curls
Standing Calve Raises, 5 sets of 15 reps each
Straight-Leg Deadlidts, 3 sets of 10, 6, 4 to failure
Good Mornings, 3 sets of 10, 6, 4 to failure
Monday and Thursday - Chest and Back
Bench Press
Incline Press
Chin-Ups (as many until you reach 50)
Bent-Over Rows
Deadlifts, 3 sets of 10, 6, 4 to failure
Tuesday and Friday - Shoulders and Arms
Barbell Clean and Press
Dumbbell Lateral Raises
Heavy Upright Rows, 3 sets of 10, 6, 4 to failure
Push Presses, 3 sets of 6, 4, 2 to failure
Standing Barbell Curls
Seated Dumbbell Curls
Close-Grip Press
Standing Tricep Extensions with Barbell
Wrist Curls
Reverse Wrist Curls
Wednesday and Saturday - Legs
Leg Curls
Standing Calve Raises, 5 sets of 15 reps each
Straight-Leg Deadlidts, 3 sets of 10, 6, 4 to failure
Good Mornings, 3 sets of 10, 6, 4 to failure