How I love deadlifts. Probably the best exercise to perform for your back and hammies. The best exercise that NO ONE seems to perform. At least in our gym. We're the only ones who seem to be using the platform regularly.
The other day I pulled my current best in deads. 300lbs. Right now I regularly pull 285 - 290 lbs.
Good job to the other gals who perform deads regularly! Keep up the good work!
(my first time posting, BTW. Just saw this thread and had to add my 2cents).
Nate had me deadlifting last night...they were fun! I just started doing them and realize even more how much I need to improve my grip!
I don't particularly like to use gloves, but my grip can't keep up with what the rest of my body can handle. Plus my handshake is awfully rough...not very sexy! I switch to one overhand, one underhand grip when the weight is heavy enough, but what's a girl to do? Plus I am on a computer all day long and apparantly my forearms are tight!
Slinky, I'm new here too ... and I love deadlifts! Started doing them about a month ago (after 4 months of weight training). I do sets of 8 reps with 50 kg (110 lbs) now. I found out about sumo deadlifts on the site Makedah mentioned, their main site is and it's great!