I think I'm going to have a heart attack! This is my second session - I can finally jump continuously to the point I have to stop because my lungs are gonna explode. But I'm having lots of fun!
Haha, this sounds good .. I've never really participated in the rope jumping my friends did when I was a little girl, because I was so lousy at it ... Mmm, got to try again, I should be able to manage .. After a LOT of practise!
"double dutch" is with two ropes, not just two people holding the rope.
It requires a lot of coordination. People who are good at it can do all sorts of stunts while jumping (flips and such). There are national double dutch competitions.
"Double dutch" jumprope requires hopping through two jumpropes twirling in opposite directions, like an eggbeater. If that seems like an impossibly difficult skill to master, guess what? That's why they call it "double-dutch." Double-dutch rope jumping was probably invented by New York City, not Dutch, children. Its name is a relic of the rivalry between England and The Netherlands back in the 1600's, when both nations were establishing global empires. Back then, the English referred to anything they didn't like or considered foreign as "Dutch." Even hundreds of years later in America, if something was very confusing or difficult, it was known as "High Dutch" or "Double Dutch." And anyone who's ever seen double-dutch jumprope will agree that it's the perfect name.
to keep you from 'cheating' on the time intervals - I have a co-jumper with their own rope - one keeps time while the other jumps - when one stops the other starts - keeps motivation going and a little push not to be the first one to drop - for those who like a little competition