Sorry... the complaints stem from the fact that many states still offer no employment protection for gay employees. So despite being vastly educated, a gay person can still lose their job simply because a red neck manager feels his position threaten or just out of spite.
Also, you can spend 20 years of your life with your partner, building a home, creating memories, loving and supporting one another, etc.. and if that partner of 20 years is in an accident or something, you can be barred from the hospital by relatives that he/she has not even been in contact with most of his/her life.
Also, you consider the upper class, cushy lifestyles that gay men, women lead..... the lifestyles of culture, wealth, good fortune, opportunity, and now think of all the unwanted children sitting in foster homes that gay couples can not adopt. Only a true sicko would think that a gay couple would try to molest an adopted child. It is well known that 99% of child molesters are heteros. But yet, gay couples can not share the luxury trappings with a child that is caught in unfortunate circumstances. This is why many gay couples have opted to adopt 16-17 year olds from Spain, Latin America, Asia and China. They visit, secure the visa's as international exchange hosts, bring them here and later once they return on a permit, start the adoption process. Claim that their insurance and such is only for immediate family members. Or that their family disowned them, etc...