Good points, and I do see alltraps points as well. But my side of the story is .. dont fix it if it aint broke. Until I stop making great gains from dbol there is no point in me switching to drol. I really cant see myself "stop responding" from dbol, but if the day ever actually comes, well .. maybe then I will look to other alternatives.
Dbol is one drug though that I find really hard to believe when people say they dont respond to it. If there is one drug that "should" work for EVERYONE, it should be dbol. There are a few peeps who do report not responding to it, and my good bro, junk is one of them, although he is super human. lol..
The reaons why dbol should work for everyone is becuase it is can reduce endogeneous CORTISONE by 50-70%, making it the mother of ALL anti-catabolics. This is why dbol "should" work on everbody. It really doesn't raise test levels that much, (about 5 times your normal level) but it has an unreal impact on muscle catabolism. This is just one of the huge benefits from dbol. The only thing that really comes close to it as far as potency goes for building muscle mg/mg or being an anti-catabolic is trenbolene. For me I just think that I have found the perfect dosage and duration where dbol works its wonders for me, and I experience zero sides. If I start to build a tolerance to this and need to up the dosage, then more sides may kick in, and it wont be as "perfect" for me anymore.
I do admit, I do not have the experience of using them both like people like needsize and alltraps have, .... and what may actually appear to be better on paper, and through studies, may not be better in a users real life experience with the two. The rewards to possible problem ratio just dosent appeal to me right now. Basically for me personally though, as I mentioned earlier, until dbol stops working so good for me, I wont be looking for other ways to grow.