Do your research!!!!
Take her off Anabol right away, its not a fat burner plus your wife doesnt do any weights............what kind of irresponsible person would suggest a thing llike that???
First of all we dont know anything about your wife stats and what are her goals?? If she is trying to loose fat, then its a must to include weights in addition to her aerobics, plus a clean diet........(what is her diet consists off?)
How many years has she's been working out for???
We have no clue..........regardless Anabol wasnt a smart choice for her.
Down the road, when she starts educating herself on proper nutrition, icorporating weights and cardio for at least one year or longer..........then and only then she can start thinking about AS.......Always Always do your research first before putting anything in your body.
Just because someone looks a certain way, doesnt mean it will work for you.......when it comes to AS, women's needs are different. Be very carefull next time pls.
Good Luck and tell your wife that WEIGHTS are a MUST....she will burn a lot more fat, her metabolism will increase and muscle weighs more then fat....aerobics alone will not give you that sexy hard body, weights will