Yes no doubt deepsquat--I ask you to take a little 2 week cruising period. I worry about that with Debaser and Louden too because they both push so hard. I know its hard on the ego to let up but its imperiative that you PUSH - REGROUP - PUSH REGROUP -PUSH - REGROUP. What I like people to do is push until they feel they are getting plateaued out on weights or just feel they need the break mentally. You just cant keep progressing in a upward graph line until your bench pressing 1000 and squatting 1500. Alot of people are gaining .5 to over 1lb a workout in 2 months time. Thats 24 workouts=12 to 30lbs in bodyweight at roughly the same bodyfat. You just have to take that break to give your mind a rest , your joints a rest and eating a rest. You Deepsquat have just soared up for 12 weeks straight. That is amazing and up there with my best trainees. But you Debaser and Louden have to realize your mortal and give yourself that 2 week cruising time to regroup. What i like people to do during cruising
a)if they are on super supps I like a certain protocol to be done but Im sure most know about that and most of my trainees are clean anyway so that doesnt apply.
b) easy comfortable workouts--a straight set instead of a rest pause set after warmups--10-20 reps--about 80-90% intensity
c) try out new exercises to replace the ones you feel your plateaued on--If i was training you Deepsquat I would suggest since you have gone to the extreme on 15-20 rep squats to switch up to smythe machine bench squats--with a wide stance and hammer that for this next PUSH and then the next blasting phase after that come back to regular squats and see where you are--(your going to be shocked how quickly youll fly over the previous highs) Cruising is the time where you go do that exercise machine in the corner you have been wondering about trying.
d) skip a workout during cruising or two (your not going to be losing much muscle at all--dont even fret about it)
e)eat one less meal a day--most people during blasting I have them eating 6 meals on weekdays (where people are more likely to stay in an eating/work schedule) and 5 on weekends---so that now moves down to 5 and 4 respectively
f) dont think about lifting too much--enjoy your two weeks of cruising
g)comfortableness is the key here
1) Your appetite for food comes back full on. About 10 days in on cruising you feel like your starving and you cant wait to just chow down again 6 times a day
2)your mind regroups and at the end of the 2 week cruising you arent burnt out at all--YOUR READY TO ROCK HARDCORE! Your chomping at the bit to start blasting up heavy weights again
3) Gives your joints a rest
4)Preps you mentally and physically for the next push
5) Almost 100% of people I personally train are like rabid dogs at the end of that 2 weeks--they cant wait to get back in there and PUSH all out again for another 8 weeks.
Theres so much burnout in bodybuilding and so many people skip workouts or even weeks or months at a time because of the taxing mental load. If you learn to PUSH-REGROUP-PUSH-REGROUP--youll see that the workouts missed (or weeks or months) become scarce and that the gains come incredibly fast