New member
Nathan said:Thanks for posting the link to the pics sassy. I realize I'm a bit tall and will be up against shorter guys at the same weight, which sucks for me. What does Quadsweep have to do with this? Sorry, I didn't get the link there. Dude is shorter and will be in the lightheavies and so I'll be up against guys like him?
DZULBOY: So no comments on my pics then? Now that you've seen the pics, could I maybe get some comments since from the sounds of things you compete. It would be appreciated.
I actually don't know as little as I led on I guess and most of what I need to know is about posing routines, mandatory poses, tanning, etc. All the bells and whistles. Diet and most of that shit I've got, I've played around with carbing up and have an idea of what to do with sodium and water. I was reading on here though that people seem to start cutting sodium and carbs and things like 6 weeks out. That didn't make a hell of a lot of sense to me.
Also, clearly I'm not doing the show this coming Saturday. I think that goes without saying. I do think I could have been ready though - maybe one later in the summer but I'll plan better if I do. Do you people pull posing routines out of your ass or something?
from what i can see th epics look good and you definitly wouldn;t be out of your league in a show but can you opose do you knwo water depletion your midsection looks underdeveloped in th eone pic but it could be lighting don;t get me wrong you look good but i would need to see pics of you doing mandatory poses to make a fair assessment