Vadim Fedorov Chairman Member Chairman Member Tuesday at 10:07 AM #11 tbol is a great option with test
2Thick Elite Mentor Platinum Tuesday at 10:16 AM #12 don't run testosterone more than 500 mg a week and really 3 or 400 mg of plenty
e2 Elite Mentor Platinum Tuesday at 10:27 AM #13 I like 200 mg of testosterone and 400 mg of equipoise
Ulter Chairman Member Chairman Member Tuesday at 10:36 AM #14 testosterone alone will do the job but I would kick-start things with an oral
chesty Bodybuilding Competitor Elite Moderator Tuesday at 10:45 AM #15 make sure you're using an approved source so you get legit products
ROIDDERS Freak Platinum Tuesday at 10:56 AM #16 I like equipoise here at 400 mg a week and keep your testosterone at 300 mg that's perfect
ceo MVP EF VIP Tuesday at 11:05 AM #17 bros if you want faster gains then kickstart with some dbol IMO