B Blkandrust New member Jun 14, 2003 #1 What is the best 3 day split for this routine?How's this:Mon-chest,legs.Wed-bi's tri's.Fri-shoulders,back?
What is the best 3 day split for this routine?How's this:Mon-chest,legs.Wed-bi's tri's.Fri-shoulders,back?
T tad69 New member Jun 14, 2003 #2 I perfer this: Mon: Chest, Shoulders and Triceps Wed:Legs Fri: Back and Biceps
ffknight84 New member Jun 14, 2003 #3 do you have to do three days or can you do four? 3 day mon Legs/Back/forearms wed Chest/Tris fri SHoulders/Bis 4 day mon Legs tue chest/tris thu back/forearms fri shoulders/bis
do you have to do three days or can you do four? 3 day mon Legs/Back/forearms wed Chest/Tris fri SHoulders/Bis 4 day mon Legs tue chest/tris thu back/forearms fri shoulders/bis