Doug Hepburn Program "A" Week 1
Barbell Squat 135x5, 185x1, 225x1, 275x1, 295x1 warmup
315x6x1 singles Form is improving once again thanks to the resident powerlifters.
One Arm DB Row 50x5, 65x1, 80x1, 95x1 warmup
115x5x1, 1x2 This felt retardedly light today.
Deadlift 225x1, 275x1, 315x1 warmup
350x5x1 singles, then did a sumo dead with 365 and then another with 315.
I actually watched a few videos on sumo deadlifting technique and after putting it to use today I think I have found my deadlift calling so to speak. I love the look of a conventional dead, but even using textbook technique I feel really compromised at the starting position.
365 felt like a joke literally. I felt alot of tension in the hamstrings which wasn't what I expected, but after getting it to break off the floor it felt almost effortless through about 75% of the lift.
I am going to perfect sumo technique. You just watch. I'll fuckin pull 500 with it before ya know it.
Overall was a great workout. Singles got me feeling strong even though I just trained yesterday and I'm not used to 2 in a row since it's been awhile.
Bodyweight 232lbs