10 min incline walk
Lower back stretch
405x1 ( Fuck yes!!!)
Back extentions
BWx 10 ( back stiff as a board)
Bw x25x10 dropset bw x 5
Preacher curls 45x many then forced reps with my partner until my biceps were comin outta my skin ! 3 sets
Tricep strait bar press downs superset bicep ez bar cable curls
3 sets to failure of each .. Don't recall weight
Behind neck seated db extentions
70x20 ( Pr)
Strait bar drag curls
40x many x many x many x many
Smashed seated calfs for 3 sets
3 sets weighted abs (45 lb platex25)
Drop set bw knee to elbow curls
Ok so I was planning on doing legs but said fuck it as my legs were sore stiff and my back had a serious pump going. This is the first time
I have put any real effort into deadlifting in some time and I was very happy with the results. I will be making deadlifts the main focus of the next month. I want to blow past the 405x5. I felt extremely strong at them today and pulled every set on my bare feet and with no chalk.
Some things to note, a few days ago I started need2slin again to see if i would have a diff experience. Once again I gained water weight, felt lethargic and shitty all day, so I dropped it and today I felt amazing, lean, pumped up and hit many PRs so i will never again use it which is a shame as I have an unopened bottle of it. The gear, and bridge I am very pleased with and I think it is stacking very well as the concrete and beta alanine work their magic. I am hitting numbers on my lifts that I didn't even hit on a test run. So to me this is a good sign, everyone is saying I look bigger too . My arms and shoulders are thicker than ive ever seen also and I have a general sense of well being. I just want to pump more weights