You seem to really be coming along with wendler's man. Awesome work as always. Glad to see you're floatin around 200 lbs again haha are you on cycle or anything again?
45 minutes of track sprints
(These were just savage I have some serious explosive strength / sprints. I kept going and going cause I missed them from having those sore si joints.
Power cleans
195x5 ..PR ( I'd be lying if I said the last 2 reps were as explosive as the first 3 cause they weren't but I kept form good, just kinda went through the motions the last 2 reps as my muscles said no more!)
Planks and sit-ups
Excellent workout
Today was just a wtf day in the gym hanging with my gf having fun
Mike, what do you take for your joints?
The heavy pressing is aggravating my right elbow.
I forget what you were taking n didn't wanna scroll back thru your log to find it
Mike, what do you take for your joints?
The heavy pressing is aggravating my right elbow.
I forget what you were taking n didn't wanna scroll back thru your log to find it