Thank you , I am about to crush a savage workout I ate poorly last night at a concert but I swear anything I out into my body right now just cranks up my furnace I am sweating morning until nightfall and through my sleep. Will update in a bit
For the next little while I will be working out whatever I feel needs catching up. So my routine may be all over the place but so long as I Ho hard and intense and am having fun I don't mind being sporadic.
Face pulls 55x 20x20
Rear delt flys on incline bench
10x60quick break x 30
Front squat
135x15x15x15(taking it easy on hips n lower back for awhile it just doesn't work with me for work when I can't move all day)
Superset with BW split squats
Skull crushers
Tri rope extensions
70x alot superset 40x15
Did 2 sets
Incline hammer strength chest press
2 plates a side repped to failure for 2 sets ( roughly 30 reps)
Body weight chins narrow grip
X12x12x10..wait 5 seconds ..3 more
One long plank on balance ball
Was feeling good today even after
Being back to work and staying up late last night to see a pretty good concert... 3 hours sleep and was god to go.. One thing I'm noticing is I get short with people slightly lately..
I'm thinking it's just work and stress
And lack of sleep sometimes but it's something I'm watching and reminding myself that I'm on gear and to keep cool.. I'm generally very
Calm and collective normally.