Well I had a somewhat ok sleep last night and was ready to destroy it , it's so god dam Hott here lately though I sweat all day and have a hard time finding energy but today I mustered up some and killed it
Worked up to 315x8
Deadlifts 365x 8
Stiff legg deads
315 x8
Walking lunges ( dbells)
60 lbs per arm
I don't even know what else.. I'm just beat. , I had to mix up more carbs and bcaa halfway through I was feeling light headed after this then I came back smashed biceps and some abs and skipped cardio I was in a full on sweat anyhow
My latest protocol has me waking up leaner every day, with weight staying the same,
My damn pants are falling off in the gym almost .. Good thing tree trunk quads keep em up.