i heard that the pros go on a cycle 32 weeks befor their show. they go 6 weeks on 6 weeks off all the way until the show. they do this cause six weeks is enough time to build muscle without suppressing their natural test.and since their natural test is still working this allows them to build muscle even when they are off for the six weeks. their first session consits of high androgens(test, d-bol) their second session is an androgen and something anabolic(test, eq, hgh) their last session is all anabolic (hgh,eq,winstol,anavar,clen,tren) but the thing is they always take in 1.5 grams of roids whether it is test and eq or eq and stan they always take in that amount. so if you are going to do a show try this out, this came from one of the pro's trainers. he already retired though. . so what do you guys think