6 ft 200 pounds 5 years training experience.
I watched and learnt bodybuilding, its just this last year i learnt a lot through reading the web and books and asking questions.
i am right now on test e 500mg , eq 500 mg, Armi .5mg ED, Provironum 25mg. 300 grams protien, 100 grams carbs.
I have always been training 6 days on 1 off. I am curious to know if 3 days on 1 days will provide me with better result then what i am used to.
Any pro can please advice on this matter.
Thank you.
6 ft 200 pounds 5 years training experience.
I watched and learnt bodybuilding, its just this last year i learnt a lot through reading the web and books and asking questions.
i am right now on test e 500mg , eq 500 mg, Armi .5mg ED, Provironum 25mg. 300 grams protien, 100 grams carbs.
I have always been training 6 days on 1 off. I am curious to know if 3 days on 1 days will provide me with better result then what i am used to.
Any pro can please advice on this matter.
Thank you.