Hi madcapman
Did you get Luetinising Hormone and/or Follicle Stimulating Hormone tested by any chance?
From what I can deduce form your results...
1. Your symptoms are clearly indicative of hypogonadism, but it doesn't necessarily mean you have got low testosterone.
2. Total testosterone is well within normal range, however, for your age of 21 it's more "lowish normal" rather than ideal or a median figure.
3. Free testosterone is again just within normal range, but for your age is pretty low. A 21 year old should be 14 and upwards with no symptoms of low testosterone.
4. SHBG is clearly too high, and this would - if we had an E2 reading - usually be in lign with an elevated oestrogen level.
Basically, guidelines from the Endochrine Society state that men who experience low testosterone level symptoms with a free or bioavailable level of less than 13 nmols/dl, may be candidates for replacement therapy.
It does look like your symptoms and the high SHBG combined with low Free T, could point toward high oestrogen. Maybe something as simple as Aromasin, or Arimidex would help. You could also try Forma Stanzol to control E2, it works wonders for me. I do recommend getting a retest that includes E2, prolactin, LH, and FSH, since these would shed more light on your symptoms.
I certainly think your presentation deserves more investigation by your doctor.
Let us know how you intend to proceed please.
First of all, much appreciated. Wonderful reply

Secondly, I am rather short of money at the moment (so I'm not sure when tests will be done - asap, when possible.)
Thirdly, these are the tests I am thinking of having done:
Test - total and free
Last time I had tests, I had my S-TSH tested (thyroid, as far as I know) and it was "normal", whatever that means. Should I have anything thyroid or otherwise related tested? I have seen a few people talking about testing for an iodine deficiency...
Lastly, I have looked at an aromatase inhibitor (anti-e, if I have the names of these things right) but thought they would only really help on a cycle - i.e. when the levels are so far above ordinary that they need active management. Would an anti-e alone be able to deal with my current state of affairs, or will it definitely need to be extra test?
This is all very new to me (although I am reading as much as possible) and yet very interesting. What are the chances this is permanent (i.e. I'm not just going to "go back" to how I was)? If that's impossible to know yet, such is life.
Out of interest, where do you get your figures? I'd be interested in seeing exactly what they "should" be.
Again, thanks for the advice.