whaaaats uuup
thanks for reading,
i've been apart of elite for ahwile but took a while away and cant for the life of me remember my old username, too many websites.. anyway
im 29, 6' 225lbs and 20%bf im currently cutting with an EC stack and will not start this cycle until i reach my goal of being below 15%, i like the way i look around 12 ish tho but cutting sucks so, 15 will do
I did a beastadrol cycle 4 years ago and put on 25lbs and was up around 230lbs at like 15 ish %bf but had lactation and needed the caber which fixed it. i used sustain alpha for pct at the time. diddnt have a source..
my diet and lifting are fine, i know how to eat/train (but hey sometimes you just stop caring and eating everything and getting fat with an office job happens...
I have a good local source. Ive got everything except the test p and dbol (ordering soon) together and would like to run it by you guys for opinion.
250iu HCG 2x/week throughout
week 1-4 Test p 100mg EOD
week 1-4 Dbol 50mg ED (10mg 5x a day)
week 1-14 Test E 250mg E3D
week 14 for 10days 500iu HCG ED
Pct starting week 16
Clomid 50/50/30/20
Nolva 40/40/20/20
Aromasin 12.5mg tabs on hand, suggestions on taking this throughout?)
thanks for reading,
i've been apart of elite for ahwile but took a while away and cant for the life of me remember my old username, too many websites.. anyway
im 29, 6' 225lbs and 20%bf im currently cutting with an EC stack and will not start this cycle until i reach my goal of being below 15%, i like the way i look around 12 ish tho but cutting sucks so, 15 will do
I did a beastadrol cycle 4 years ago and put on 25lbs and was up around 230lbs at like 15 ish %bf but had lactation and needed the caber which fixed it. i used sustain alpha for pct at the time. diddnt have a source..
my diet and lifting are fine, i know how to eat/train (but hey sometimes you just stop caring and eating everything and getting fat with an office job happens...
I have a good local source. Ive got everything except the test p and dbol (ordering soon) together and would like to run it by you guys for opinion.
250iu HCG 2x/week throughout
week 1-4 Test p 100mg EOD
week 1-4 Dbol 50mg ED (10mg 5x a day)
week 1-14 Test E 250mg E3D
week 14 for 10days 500iu HCG ED
Pct starting week 16
Clomid 50/50/30/20
Nolva 40/40/20/20
Aromasin 12.5mg tabs on hand, suggestions on taking this throughout?)