New member
I have been gone for awhile. After a back injury I gave up bodybuilding and lost a great deal of weight. Picked up mountain biking and lost alot off mass and muscle. Before the accident, I was juicing pretty hard but looked great. I was 256 with around 10% BF. Anyway, I am 200 lbs about 11% BF now, have been working out again and need to lean up. I have came up with a pretty basic diet and would like a few thoughts/suggestions. I dont really care if I gain or lose weight, just would like to get down around 7% BF. Take a look, your thoughts please
Time Food Description Carb Protein Fat Total Calories
545 2 scoop whey protein 6 48 2 240
715 8 egg whites ( 1 whole) 0 34 4 191
1/2 cup oatmeal 27 5 3 150
1030 2 scoop whey protein 6 48 2 240
I Tbsp peanut butter 4 4 8 95
1230 12oz tuna ( 2 cans) 0 55 5 300
1 cup green beans 8 2 0 40
1530 1 scoop protein C 16 28 1 165
w/1/2 cup skim milk
1 serving cashews ( 43 pieces) 8 5 14 170
1830 6 oz chicken breast 0 37 1.5 165
1 cup green beans 8 2 0 40
2130 1 scoop protein 3 24 1 120
TOTAL COUNT 86 292 41.5 1916
Daily Value 20.50% 69.60% 9.90%
Time Food Description Carb Protein Fat Total Calories
545 2 scoop whey protein 6 48 2 240
715 8 egg whites ( 1 whole) 0 34 4 191
1/2 cup oatmeal 27 5 3 150
1030 2 scoop whey protein 6 48 2 240
I Tbsp peanut butter 4 4 8 95
1230 12oz tuna ( 2 cans) 0 55 5 300
1 cup green beans 8 2 0 40
1530 1 scoop protein C 16 28 1 165
w/1/2 cup skim milk
1 serving cashews ( 43 pieces) 8 5 14 170
1830 6 oz chicken breast 0 37 1.5 165
1 cup green beans 8 2 0 40
2130 1 scoop protein 3 24 1 120
TOTAL COUNT 86 292 41.5 1916
Daily Value 20.50% 69.60% 9.90%