I read all the reports. Now I am asking for your honest opinion. What do you think about doing 15min HIIT every morning instead of a 1hr Jog? It would surely cut cardio time by alot, but would it be as good?
I would do both, alternating that is. HIIT will burn some serious fat because it uses more cals, is less catabolic and more anabolic than a 1hr jog, and it KEEPS burning after you stop running...longer elevation than a jog.
Sprinting uses glycogen, and a 1 hr jog uses fatty acid. I wouldn't "jog" but walk uphill or something less catablic than jogging.
jogging is only catabolic to those deconditioned to it. if you can jog for an hour and maintain a decent (not runaway/anaerobic) heart rate, then you are not going catabolic. catabolism will also be determined by what phase you are in your food intake as well. if you are extremely low on calories and you think your blood sugar wont hold up, then you may look at a less stressful/taxing mode of cardio. i just want to make the distinction that everyone's fitness level is different so to blanket jogging or running as catabolic is not correct.
as for HIIT being effective. it is very effective. traditional long cardio sessions keep the metabolism elevated for the duration of the session. ie, you burn fat for an hour....if you go an hour. cardio that jumps into the anaerobic range stimulates afterburn or EPOC, which means you are consuming oxygen after that workout for a few hours. ie. elevated metabolism to repay the oxygen debt.
going into the last bit of my contest prep, i will go to HIIT, for the most part and leave the long duration cardio for that last couple weeks when my body is more apt to eat itself if stressed to greatly. HIIT is perfectly fine for those still taking in moderate calories to fuel that intensity of cardio.
Alternate betwen both, the way I do my split is monday wens fir long distance run normally about 2-3 mile at a fairly high pace (7.5 to 8.5) tuesday wensday interval training normalysprint 50 yards then walk 50 yards. The next week I switch the days. once every two months I do HIIT every day for five days just to shock my body.
Thanks guys, I think what I'll do is Sunday/Monday HIIT, Tuesday Jog, Wed HIIT, Thur JOG, Fri HIT, Saturday Jog
I don't have off days until August when I start Old School Training program. I'm still in overtraining mode until then and am going to need to shred every ounce of fat on me since I'm starting to get estrogen fat which really sucks, but I also don't want to hurt my awesome gains I am getting.