I starve at night and I know this isn't good. Any suggestions on something to eat besides a protein shake, that is low on fat and has some decent protein in it. BTW, I hate anpb and cottage cheese. Please help.
Most nuts are 600 cals per 100 grams, and a jar full is more than 100 grams. No you cannot eat an entire jar.
If ur starving, I'd go for 5 scrambed eggs (<400 cals). I don't subscribe to the fashionable view that nuts are filling calories - but if it works for you, have nuts & meat.
Most nuts are 600 cals per 100 grams, and a jar full is more than 100 grams. No you cannot eat an entire jar.
If ur starving, I'd go for 5 scrambed eggs (<400 cals). I don't subscribe to the fashionable view that nuts are filling calories - but if it works for you, have nuts & meat.
Oh and as for cashews - well they're much higher carb than most nuts, so you need to factor that in too. And unless you have better willpower than me, they taste too good to be on any cutting diet
I have sometimes 5 whole eggs
- 31P; 25F; 357 cals OR
(up to) 10 whites, 2 whole
- 45P; 10F; 287 cals
It depends on your macros, and degree of hunger as to which I use. Its beneficial to include at least 2-3 whole eggs however daily in your diet (testosterone).
The possible benefit of option 1 is the greater fat concentration may mean the protein digests more slowly
Cottage cheese is gross I agree. I don't mind low fat cheddar cheese, which is also carbless. Tastes good with PB. The problem I have with this meal is its so calorie dense and tasty that I would way more than my macros would allow. Hence, scrambled eggs - which tastes good with garlic and salt - is better for me.