puddlemonkey thou shalt not shill EF VIP Oct 6, 2009 #12 how is this possible? how can one lose that many times in a row?
puddlemonkey thou shalt not shill EF VIP Oct 6, 2009 #14 miplank said: cuz you suck at life Click to expand... That's ok, I plan on winning that poboy event. It'll be a good lesson for him to learn about fucking around in other forums.
miplank said: cuz you suck at life Click to expand... That's ok, I plan on winning that poboy event. It'll be a good lesson for him to learn about fucking around in other forums.
BBR100 New member Oct 7, 2009 #17 miplank said: here, you may have lost this event but I got you a present. Click to expand... lol...nice work!!!!!!!! thanks for posting hockey
miplank said: here, you may have lost this event but I got you a present. Click to expand... lol...nice work!!!!!!!! thanks for posting hockey
M miplank MVP EF VIP Oct 7, 2009 #18 PuddleMonkey said: lolololooololllololololololollolol Click to expand... now put it in your sig.