I’m super tiny. I’m only 5’1’’ and 105 pounds
I can barely bench the bar at the gym and people make fun of me. My boyfriend refuses to train with me cause he is too embarassed.
I want to surprise everyone and get stronger fast. What is the steroid I can use to get stronger?
I'm looking for a burger recipe that's healthy
I'm going to the playoff game and we are going to be tailgating and I'm the one who's in charge of making the burgers. The people going to the game are all my co-workers and we're are all health-conscious because we work at the gym. I want to make...
Can you give me some ideas for a weight training Alternatives that I can try
my gym membership expired in the gym owner said that when I was ready I could sign up anytime for another year but I'm kind of burn out from the same gym because I've been going there for the past five years...
so I started lifting weights for the first time after I got a gym membership ahead of the new years. The first 3 weeks I was getting sore daily. I read this is good and means I’m getting good results.
Now I’m not getting sore as much. Does this mean I am not trying hard enough anymore?
I was talking to another chick at the gym who competes and she says that she absolutely loves to use primobolan
she says she runs about 100 mg a week ahead of her shows and she says that she doesn't have to stop at ahead of it and she feels great on it. I'm looking for more opinions and which...
what is the best way to use creatine and how much am I supposed to use. Also I've heard some people at the gym saying that creatine if you take it with certain foods or take it with juice it will ruin it. How true is any of this and how do you guys best use it. Maybe just mix it with water?
My boyfriend tried s23 and he got really good results on it. He's tried it up and he gained a lot of muscle. I was actually really surprised. He also was doing a lot more weights in the gym when we worked out together I notice. My question is is the stuff safe for me as well? I want to use some...
I have been weight training for 2 months and no progress is being made
I will admit I have no clue what I am doing even though I thought I did
I just go to the gym and pick out the most jacked person I see and then follow them around copying what they do. It isn’t working for me. Any tips?
I hadn’t seen my friend in a while and we ran into each other at the gym. She looked good and we got to talking about what she was using and she mentioned yk11. She said to look into it
so I’m here asking what do you think about using it for females
I’m 5’6’’
145 pounds
in pretty good shape...
144 pounds
I have been working out hard in the gym the past year and notgetting the results I am expecting. Only lose 2 pounds even while training 1hour a day 5 times a week. Taking some supplements, but need something strongerto get me over the top. Any recommendations?
I had a really pissed-off day problems with the girlfriend at home and also work issues. Nothing I can't handle but it made me really mad so I went to the gym and I had plan on hitting all time PR’s and did. do you think that it's a psychological thing or do you think that anger actually helps...
I've been dealing with a lot of emotional stress lately with my career and also lady issues
I'm wondering what kind of workouts can you put in when you have these types of issues going on do you just skip the workout day and try and go the next day or do you just work out anyway and how do you...
Have any chicks on here messed around with NPP before forresults in the gym?
I’m 5’6’’
144 pounds
looking to use something to get me stronger without sidesbeing too bad a chick friend of mine said she ran it at like 40mg a week.Is this a good dose for me and how often do I dose it?
I have to get better when I do machine work at my gym. My gym is mostly machines and this is the only gym that is close to me. Is it better to end up with less reps on a heavier weight on these things or should I focus on experiencing a pump and weakness in my stressed out muscles
Is what you wear that important at the gym?
If so what do you guys and gals like to wear while working out?
I’ve tried working out with heavy clothes and light clothes. Seems like they both have advantages. What do you think about this and why.
I went to a physical therapist and he did a test on my body to see what I had in terms of and balances. He said that everything look really good but he mentioned that my lower back was very weak
how do I improve my lower back strength. I don't want to keep paying $90 per session with him when...
I have been training since I was 15. I can remember my early workouts were tough and I would not leave the gym unless I felt a burn
now at 25 my workouts are not as intense but I am stronger. Do you think I should be making my workouts harder and harder as I age and does it ever switch off...
I’m a female
135 pounds
I want to lose fat but don’t want to lose strength. I am already weak, I can only do like the bar and a 10 pound weight on each side at the gym.
But I want to lose like 10 pounds of fat to look good. What is the best steroid to use for me?
I got so used to working out at home during the pandemic that going to the gym has been a hard transition for me. There are all these chicks in tight yoga pants working out and there are dudes always walking around trying to converse with me and working with me. also having to wait to use...
I was playing basketball and I jumped and landed awkwardly and felt a pop in my ankle
I went had it checked and they said I had a torn Achilles and I would be out for at least 6 months
I'm worried about training with crutches
is there anyone on here with a similar experience and how did you...