I'm trying to excel at football and I'm looking to get a stronger neck
what are the best weight training exercises to build a strong neck area
my gym is limited with the equipment we have and I don't see any machines that do neck so I'm assuming I have to improv right
I was doing squats on one of those large balls at the gym and I lost my balance and fell and twisted my knee and landed hard on my shoulder. The trainer I was working with had me do them.
Do you think these are any good or is this guy a moron? I felt like everyone was laughing at me when I fell
what is it lately with guys who throw weights around the gym like they are something special?
Yesterday some dude showed up with a tight shirt and started throwing the bar around and being harsh with the equipment so I told him to tone it down and to chill. He got pissed that I was...
What do you guys think about going in the gym and doing max deadlifts? Do you think they are a good idea or should we be aiming for a specific number of reps?
I’m getting annoyed at the gym watching some of these younger dudes who pack on over 400 pounds and do horrible form. One of them...
What are things you shouldn't be bringing to the gym?
I was thinking maybe we can make this a fun topic and you can name something serious that a lot of guys are bringing that they shouldn't and the name something that's a joke
My 2 are:
Cell phone: serious
Your computer: joke
I was wondering why you think that females have better form in the gym. I see when they list it's more graceful and when men lift it's more out of control and Reckless. I see a lot of injuries with men versus females for that reason amongst my friends. Do you think that I'm wrong or is there...
my gym are cheap crooks, they turn down the A/C during the summer to save on money so that makes it really hot this time of year. I am sweating a lot during my workouts and I am only doing weight training. How much should you sweat during a good weight sesion and is sweating too much bad?
I was at the gym working out and some guy came up to me an offer to sell me some sarms. I followed him into the locker room and he opened up his locker and he had a bunch of them in there. I told him I want the strongest stuff so you can send me something called S23. I said do I need a post...
I don't want to be a bodybuilder. But i want to lose my fat as fast as I can.
1st Jan 2021 my new year resolution was "I have to be fit by end of this year" it's been 9 month 2021 has been started and I'm doing nothing.
Is that any basic exercise for home workout?
I consider myself a veteran of the iron at the gym. I'm really strong and I think that pound-for-pound I'm a strong as any guy I run into. I can do 100 lb bench press and I only weigh a 130 lb. I am running steroids for the third time and want to up things. Do you think if I work out twice a...
I need to purchase some gym equipment for my home gym that I'm starting. I plan on getting mirrors, matts, and sending up my garage with a nice home gym that I can train with. Any suggestions where to pick up some good deals on this not looking to spend more than $1,000 total
Watching YouTube videos of bodybuilders I think it's all a scam the way they show them training. It's like they are trying to do a promotional video pushing a supplement or something like that. I never seen anyone in the gym who is pretty jacked train like that, it seems to be much more...
My gym clothes down and I'm going to use my local HOA crap hole gym that no one ever uses. Figured since I'm paying for it might as well put it to use right? The thing is they don't have free weights in there it's all machines. Do you think I'll be able to get in a good workout doing machines...
I just turned 21 and this is the first time I've ever looked into using supplements. Embarrassingly I never even knew people took these until someone showed me what they were taking at the gym. For someone who has only been training for a few weeks what is a good supplement for me to use
between injuries and covid has been amazingly 2 years since I set foot in a gym but I signed up yesterday and signed my 1 year contract so I'm committed to getting back again. Before that I had trained a decade almost nonstop. What strategy should I be using for my first day back in the gym
I have a skinny bird chest and I'm looking to widen my chest and shoulders because this is embarrassing. My inner pectoral muscle specifically are really tiny and my gym does not have Cable Crossovers so what do you recommend I do to build up my chest as soon as possible
how come when I'm at the gym I see these big meat heads with veins popping out of their muscles when they work out and they make weird grunting noises and do a lot of drop sets. Then they walk around like they are God. I want to look like that and have bulging vascularity which supplements do...
so I let my gym contract expire because I wasn't getting along with the gym manager and then not long after the pandemic hit. So I've been out of the gym about 2 years. I've still been active during that time doing other stuff but I miss the grind. Before that I had trained about ten straight...
I want to get back into training with the pandemic slowing down and things opening up now is the time for me to choose a gym. I am in a decent size city and we have all kinds of gyms to choose from. What are your check lists for finding a good gym that can cater to someone who is serious but...