I was having this debate with a friend of mine who says that you should lift to the max always when you are at the gym
I told him I'd come on the Forum and ask you guys what your thoughts are and what are the pros and cons to doing a work out that way
I work from 7 a.m. until 4 pm. The problem is it takes me about 90 minutes to get to work in the morning so I have to wake up super early and get dressed.
by the time I'm coming home in the afternoon I'm really tired and I usually fall asleep for a nap. I need a supplement I can take after my...
Evolutionary.org 475 Home Gym ideas, stacking HGH, and playing in a hobby sports league.
This isn't a criticism of the product at all so don’t take it like that
But I've been using n2slin and i feel lightheaded and dizzy on this stuff
maybe I'm not using it correctly? I'm taking it before I go and work out at the gym
I’m 22 years old, just turned that age 1 month ago
5’10’’ and 159 pounds
I have been training for the past four months and I hired a personal trainer at the gym to give me some pointers and they are helping me along
the first two months I did not have any results for the last two months I've...
I was wondering what % of females in a normal gym in America are using steroids ?
I was talking to a girlfriend and she mentioned she was taking them which shocked me. Makes me want to try it.
Am I really missing out by not on them?
I’m 5’2’’ and 140 pounds. Would love to look like her
5 ft 3 in
122 pounds
Gym rat who may compete down the line
I’m 28 years old and have been in the gym for a few years. dated a guy recently who did steroids and did not really approve of it but then realized that it was giving him benefits. We’ve since broken up and now I want to try...
Evolutionary.org 465 gym misconceptions and advice for steroid users in their 20's.
I have been training for the past five months at my University gym. I am following a 4 day split routine that I read in a bodybuilding magazine. In total I do about 15 to 18 sets per day when I work out.
the problem is I'm not getting enough results and you can't even tell that I have been...
I'm 24 years old and I am 2 years out of college and I have been working at a job for the past year which is pretty much an office job 9 to 5
I usually do an hour of gym after work. I see people at the gym taking all kinds of things and I asked someone there and they said that they used sarms...
I got my body fat measured at the gym end the trainer said I was at 21% which is pretty good for a female
he said that most females anything less than 25% is considered good
I would like to get my number lower maybe down to 18%
what are the best PED’s i can stack that won’t give me side effects...
I'm looking to learn more about bcaa's and how they can help my body go to next level
I'm currently 170 lb and I do appreciate good diet, i also work hard in the gym
I'm usually pushing 6 times a week
I haven't tried these yet but I heard that they can help grow muscle easier
We were at the gym socializing the other day and someone growing up dianabol and one of the guys laughed and said it was old school
do you think that's true and what did he mean by that? I asked him and he smiled at me and walked away
I don't mind old school. I’m 55 and back in those days...
how much do you think a decent home gym will cost me. I have about $4,000 saved up so far and I would like to purchase some items for my garage. This space I have to work with is about 350 square feet (2 car garage) so I think it's enough space to put in a decent gym
Evolutionary.org Episode 457 Gym equipment and 150mg of Trenbolone per week.
I've been dealing with a lot of elbow issues ever since I increased the amount of sets that I'm doing in the gym
it started when I was doing pull-ups and decided to do a full session of them. I did about 20 sets and then the next day I start noticing inflammation in my joint. is there a...
I'm tired of going to the gym and having to stand in line to use the squat rack
So i bought my own for my garage
So now i can spend an entire workout just doing squats
My plan was to do 5 sets of 12 reps, then go heavier and do 5 sets of 5 reps. Then do some drop sets where i do a few more...
what supplements can help me get pumps in the gym
also do you think that getting pumps is important to my workouts or is it okay if I don't get them.
I have not been getting them as much as I would like lately
I'm in my twenties and I'm learning about weight training so any advice is helpful
I have a curiosity to know how much I can do maxing out the weights at the gym on each lift. Do you think it would be a smart idea to do this for a week where I just try to do one rep Maxes on each exercise just to see. Or is that a stupid idea and why
how many people here that are experts and well experienced use a belt. I guess I want to do a poll and find out your secrets
I noticed that my gym it seems like half the people are using them and just wear them the whole time
if you do or do not let me know why that is I'm looking for help here