Squat Day
Warm up
Foam rolling whole body 5mins
Thoracic Mobility 2x10
90/90 breathing 2x10
A1 banded glute bridge 2x10
banded glute clam 2x10
Banded glute kick back 2x10
SSb to box 3x6
BB Rdl 3x8
laying leg curls 2x12
leg extensions 2x12
Ab wheel 2x10
Peds - Cruise "150mg" test e a week shot M/W/F
Diet - Meal one / pre fast meal BNC plant based protein 2scoops, 100g berries, 100g oats, 1L water, 3x meedjool dates, 1 banana
Meal two / break fast meal porterhouse steak, potato chips ( air fried ) salad , diet mince, cakes etc ( open diet ) with 1L water
Before sleep meal 2 scoops protein 1L water
Sleep - 7hrs
Steps 10,000
Changes - nothing to note.
Water - 3L
Mood - stable calm relaxed ( got to love trt dose ) lol
Energy - 4/10
Stress - 2/10
hip is slowly coming along the 90/90 rehab drills are doing its thing, going straight into prep after this comp in September lets goooo!