haha fucking funny shit!
When you chew the chunks left in your protein shake or eat em with a spoon
When you save syringes as a souvenier
When you weigh your shit with a food scale
When you eat your chicken half cooked or raw, or with part of the paper plate attached to it
When you eat eggs with the shell on
When you get in a near fatal car crash and become more concerned about getting in your next meal, getting to the gym then the person spasming and foaming at the mouth in front of you
When you dont Jack Off before a workout cuz it might effect your strength
When you start lifting anything thats not bolted down, and try to rip out anything that is
When you fantasize about killing people with various apparatuses and plates for hours on end ( hehe)
When you piss on the hot rocks in the sauna just to PISS everyone off
When you rip the door off the locker cuz you locked your keys inside hehe