New member
Military Press Day 1+ Rep
Military Press
100x7- PR
Neutral Grip Chins (didn't use my legs to help myself up at all- all dead hang too)
BW x 10- PR
BW x 6
BW x 4 (i think)
BW x 2
BW +25 lbs x 6- PR
BW +25 lbs x 4
BW +25 lbs x 3
BW +25 lbs x 3
BW +25 lbs x 3
- PR 19 reps in 5 sets with 25 lbs
DB Skull Crushers
20 lb DBs x 10- PR
20 lb DBs x 10
20 lb DBs x 8 (couldn't do any more lol)
I decided to use the foam roller for my quad and do some other stretching instead of doing calves. Had to choose between the two because my ride had to go soon and it was all i had time for. My quad felt very tender while using the foam roller and it hurt a bit after i was done with it. Is this normal?
Comments: All things considered, today was solid. I am pretty happy with my military press, happy to be able to do 10 neutral grip chins without using any momentum, and ecstatic with my dips. I honestly felt like i was going to fail at 1 rep on the last set, but pushed to 3. Skull crushers were hard as fuck today- going to aim for 3x10 again next workout.
Nice workout jdid! Looks like you did well on every lift! Gladiator if you ever get a chance video your form up for db skulls.