Ok, take the squats easy dont rush ahead and add too much weight at once, same with any lift.
No idea about the bicep bro, Iv said before Im nothign like an expert in any of this.
it's all good.. you've been a big help man
My bicep is less sore today, but just the fact that it kind of trembles when i go to flex it is really weird. It's always been like that.
yeah it seems like my squat is going ahead of my other exercises by a shitload lol. I was a bit skeptical about it hurting my back at first, but now it's like when i squat, the bar doesn't even hurt my back when i rest it.
I am going to train my friend in July ,so hopefully i can learn a lot by then. He has 1 month free at the gym in July, but he has dumbbells for now. Does anyone know a good routine for DBs? He has the power blocks so it goes up a lot in weight. I think his go up to at least 85 or 95, and he has barely been lifting so he has room to grow.
Well a little recap for myself up to this point after 10 workouts
1st Workout- 95
10th Workout- 170
1st Workout- 105
10th Workout- 160 (fixed form last time)
Bench Press
1st Workout- (Started with DBs but made progress up till the 9th workout when i tried, only done it once 30/30/35- all x5, went up to 40/40/45.
10th Workout- 95x7, 105x8, 105x10 (a man there helped guide me through it on the last 2 sets i didn't really want him to but he was being really nice, so next time i will get a better estimate and do less reps)
Around the same... i can do more now but only at the beginning of my workout. I don't usually have enough left in the tank to do a full set of 3x8 dips.. even the weighted ones with 10 pounds i can only do 3 or 4. Are my better off doing 3 or 4 weighted or as many as i can unweighted at the end of my workout?
Calf Raises
Same as before- 15, 15, 15 each workout
Unfortunately, i have only done rows twice out of my 10 workouts and unintentionally, it was the same amount of weight for both of them. However, 10th workout felt much easier than the 2nd workout when i did them for the first time (even w/out doing them again). I was contemplating adding them w/ the cleans, but i really think they are a good/fun exercise. 45, 65, 75, 85. Next time i'll hopefully go up to a set of 95.
1st Workout- 65, 75, 85
10th Workout- 65, 85, 95
These are hard as shit to progress in. I failed on the 5th rep for 95, but gained composure and got it. I don't think i can go over 95 for the next workout.
1st Workout- 3, 3, 4, 5 (Not full ROM for all)
10th Workout- 5, 4, 3, 5 (Full ROM)
Inconsistent rest time
Haven't really tried to make tons of progress, but next time i want to definetely get over a minute for the first, and 45 seconds for the second one.... Then try to add around 5 seconds to the first one each workout.
Russian Twists
1st Workout- 20, 20, 20 (10 pound weight)
10th Workout- 20, 20, 20 (25 pound weight)
I actually like the russian twists. I like to do twist-plank-twist-plank-twist.
Would adding lunges DB Lunges to either workout be too much? If anything, i would probably add it to my A Day because i can do it right before/after calf raises. If i were to add it to B Day, i think i would have a few too many exercises.
Adding it to A Day might be pretty taxing too, but what would you guys think? I wouldn't mind taking out an exercise to add the lunges
My current routine is
Day A:
3x5 Squat
3x5 Bench
3x5 Deadlift
3x10 Dips
3x12 calf raises
Day B:
3x5 Squat
3x5 Standing military press
3x5 Rows
3x failure chinups (i can't do many yet)
3x20 russian twists (with 25 pound weight)
Planks 2x failure