hopefully goin to restart this log up this summer..... i got really involved in activities and shit, spent tons of time applying for internships/my girlfriend, and took a heavy course load because i'm going abroad, so at times i've been inconsistent with working out. Having said that, I think I've maintained a lot of my strength, and am going to start up this summer. I have an 8 hour internship 5 days a week, so I'm hopefully going to go to the gym after it's over. Don't have a plan yet, but my strength is not bad considering how my diet/drinking (heavily) has been, and the amount of effort i've been putting into lifts. I've DB Rowed 90x10, and DB benched 75s for 10, which are pretty good for me.
Not going to risk squatting because of my shoulder, but am going to deadlift if its not completely outlawed by now in my gym.
school ends in about 2-3 weeks, so that's when I'm going to start being really consistent with everything, and will hopefully be more active on here.