Rules for training/eating once i get back to college... and some simpler shit i want to get in the habit of doing:
- some form of cardio (including complexes)/intense basketball/soccer the day after drinking.
- when in doubt if the main meal of the night is good or not, eat the grilled chicken, get a wrap, or get whole wheat pasta.
- go to the salad bar AT LEAST once a day.
- for breakfast, if the oatmeal/eggs aren't edible, replace with whole wheat bread/yogurt.
- only drink water/green tea
- fasted cardio AT LEAST 2 times per week before class on M/W/F.
- when drinking, don't use mixers... just have straight hard shit or light beer.
- get a bunch of lemons in the cafeteria and squeeze a lemon in water bottle first thing in the morning.
- finish an entire water bottle (bought it... it's a lot bigger than your avg. one) AT LEAST 2-3 times per day.
- 1 (not too bad) dessert after 2 days of keeping my diet.
- if all of the above if followed for the entire week, then 1 cheat meal on saturday night before i go out.
- focus on going slow on the eccentric motion on assistance lifts.
- find a good workout partner.. be careful of adam.
- don't compromise my workouts to train friends.
- make sure to do things to prevent injuries....
- pre workout stretching
- post workout stretching
- foam rolling
- come up with a pre-running stretching routine.
- don't fall into last years mistake of neglecting lower body... upper body progress will suffer... again.
- once i get to a size i am happy with, run a cycle of 5x5 or 5/3/1.. hopefully within 2-4 months.
- if i am able to successfully avoid injuries::::
- deadlift 405 by the end of the year
- squat 315 by the end of the year
- bench 250 by the end of the year (maybe a stretch... but AT LEAST 225 for reps)
going to add to this... also, might as well make some academic/other goals for school while i'm at it since i'm probably going to print this out.
- deans list... 3.5+ GPA
- get involved with better clubs this semester and try to get on student government
- don't fall behind in classes (especially accounting/statistics)
- sign up for an accounting tutor early before they're all taken
- get to know my professors better than last semester
- finish papers AT LEAST 1-2 days in advance and bring them into office hours
- if i decide to pledge a fraternity, time management = everything. do all work early in the day and way ahead of time to avoid unneeded stress.
- learn about studying abroad right away, figure out who is going on the trip i want, and get close with them to assure i get a spot.
- give as many tours as possible and get closer with admissions to try to become tour guide coordinator
will probably alter some of the above, but those are the general guidelines i want to follow for the upcoming year.