wilson6 said:
"Those are very good results from a relatively small dose of steroid, and considering that your wife is quite advanced as a bber."
You'd be surprised what you can do with a low dose. Still has more to do with training and diet than the dose. Those that take AAS (legit product) and don't experience gains are usually overtrained or are not eating properly.
I just talked to a guy recently (powerlifter) who a couple of years ago was using around 1000 mg/wk of test. He's cut back on his training volume (trains smarter) and is now dosing with around 300 mg/wk. His strength is the same or better than it was when he was on 1000 mg/wk. He has less sides (water and acne) and far fewer joint problems from lifting heavy all the time.
W6 is absolutely on the money here......first one need to learn how to train without steroids....to start making gains without steroids.......and then when you keep the training pretty much the same and take a small dose of steroid, BOOM ,things take off.
My wife trains like I do and that is with high effort on a low volume of sets using compound movements almost exclusively, that is exercises that are multi joint and work more than one muscle group at a time. Also she trained INFREQUENTLY at only three days per week.
Two KEY EXERCISES were responsible for adding most of the mass and strength(including upper body) and that is the deep high bar squat and stiff leg deadlift( heavy with knees slightly bent, going down to only mid shin and with wrist starps)
IF isolation work is done it is done BEFORE compound work in order to pre-fatigue the target muscle group a bit.
She also increased her caloric intake and took 2 grams of protein per pound of body weight and thats about double what she takes while natural. The only supplements were a mega potency multi-vitiman, some extra E, C and calcium , whey protein isolate and Udo's Choice oil(omega 3 and 6 oils).
I insisted she sleep 8 hours per night...I got up for the kids at night. he he he
Here is her workout. Only work sets are listed. Rest between sets ranges fro 90 seconds to 3-4 minutes depending on the exercise. Squats and deads require 3-4 minutes....but we were not training for pure power so rests were not that long. This results in higher intensity and better mass gains.
Forced reps were done from time to time. Rest pause reps were more common...that is, after going until another rep would likely be impossible she would put the weight down and rest for 5-10 seconds and then pick it up and do a rep or two more .This woulkd be done twice.
NOTE: When natural train only to the point were the last rep you do is the very last good rep you could do and if you tried to do another rep you would likely get stuck. Rest pause work should be done infrequently and forced reps are usually too risky and leed to over training in most not on roids.
THE MOST IMPORTANT THING and the GOLDEN FLEECE OF TRAINING is to try to add small to tiny amounts of weight to the bars each week. Early on in a training cycle on can add larger amounts to the bars but as the going gets tough the tiny weights need to come out. At this point even a 1 pound per week gain on the bench and a two pound gain on the squat is good progress. The 2.5 pounders are too much for when the going gets tough, ESPECIALLY for female lifters. Gee , after barely making 10 reps in the squat one week it would be highly unlikely for even a male steroid user to add 5 pounds to the bar the next week. SO GET SOME TINY PLATES and start and focus on MICRO LOADING for great progress.
Hammer inclines 2 sets of 8
Hammer declines 2 sets of 8
Toe press in leg press machine 3 sets of 10-15. Patrials and rst pause after each set. DO THEM WITH FULL SLOW REPS!
Lying tricep extension 1 set of 8
Hammer bench with elbows in 2 sets of 8, OR close grip bench.
SQUATS 2 work sets of 10-12 deep high bar squats. She can squat with good form very low and with no low back issues. Get flexible in the ankles. NEVER squat with heels elevated and NEVER use wraps unless you are doing very heavy triples or less.
Leg extension 1 set of 10-15
Hammer leg press DEEP 1 set of 10
NOTE: Don't waste your time doing lunges girls as they will do nothing for mass and strength. You want a butt?...then learn how to squat right...and no it won't make your butt too big but being fat will he he he ..sorry I just had to throw that in.
Leg curl 2 sets of 6-8
Stiff leg deadlifts 2 sest of 10
Shrugs 1 set of 10 with partails ater the 10
hyperextensions with weight 1 set of 10-15
Believe me the above workout will wipe you out if done correctly. Trouble is almost NOBODY trains the squat and deadlift correctly.
Nautilus pull overs 1 sets of 10
Pulldowns with a shoulder width curl grip and with straps 2 sets of 8
Hammer rows 2 set of 8-10
laterals 1 set of 10 with partails after the ten until she couldn't move the weight
Hammer press 2 sets of 8
upright row 1 set of 8 with straps
Nautilus curls 1 set of 8
Barbell curl 2 sets of 8
wrist curl on slight decline 1 set of 10
occasionally a set of reverse curls for 8 with E-Z bar.
Good luck.