I am a 500 ish bencher with a shirt. On speed day I use the following:
135 plus 2 doubled mini's per side
185 plus 1 doubled mini per side
225 plus 50 lbs of chain.
I alternate these every week. Week one I do 6 sets, week 2, I do 8 sets, and week 3 (last night) I do 10 sets. Last night I did my first half of the sets with 225, then threw on 275 for a few sets, and it was way too heavy, bar speed went to shit.
If you did 205 plus 2 doubled mini's PER SIDE, then you were doing way, way too much weight!!! I just re-read your post, and I think you were doing one doubled mini per side for a total of 2 mini's, in which case you were still way too heavy.
I notice when I use bands on speed day, I am forced to use my pecs a lot more than I do for just straight bar weight. That and the fact that I cannot keep my bar speed up with 225 plus any bands, is the reason I drop the weight so dramatically when using bands.
Realize that one pair of truly doubled minis adds around 40 lbs at the chest and 80 or so at lockout. 2 pairs, or 2 doubled mini's per side adds 80 lbs at the chest and 160 at lockout.
My current raw P.R. with 2 doubled mini's is like 225 plus 4 bands. So you can see why I have to drop the bar weight so much when using the bands.
And if you are bruising, go to the doctor. I have had a slight tear in my left pec, which did not require surgery, but if you are fucked up, the quicker someone looks at it, the better chance you have of a full recovery.