This has always been a hard one to figure out. These two compound movements are great but Im leaning more towards weighted dip than close grip for overall Tri developement.
However I structure my workouts to hit both during the week.
W/ chest on Mondays my last excersice consists of 4 sets of weighted dips. At a bodyweight of 195 I do:
15 reps 60lb dbl
15 reps 80lb dbl
10 reps 100lb dbl
" "
On tri day which I do w/ back on wednesdays I do closegrips as follows:
15 reps 135lb
15 reps 205lb
10 reps 225lb
8-10 reps 245lb
has worked wonders for my bench, shoulders and of course tris.
However I structure my workouts to hit both during the week.
W/ chest on Mondays my last excersice consists of 4 sets of weighted dips. At a bodyweight of 195 I do:
15 reps 60lb dbl
15 reps 80lb dbl
10 reps 100lb dbl
" "
On tri day which I do w/ back on wednesdays I do closegrips as follows:
15 reps 135lb
15 reps 205lb
10 reps 225lb
8-10 reps 245lb
has worked wonders for my bench, shoulders and of course tris.