thanks thia.....I got the number 1 gripper. I think im gonna after my upper body workout ill load up the bar and do some holds with it and also hit the gripper as best i can....its gonna feel good once i close that S.O.B
Something you may want to try is to do your grip work on a couple of off days during the week. Maybe between legs and delts for example, so it doesn't interfere with lifts. I don't believe grip training will cause you to overtrain or jeopordize your rest days. This way your grip will be fresh and strong. You'll close the little fucker. Don't worry.
I think its good to train grip few days away from exercises such as chins, deadlifts and rows. If you train it hardcore too close to any of these lifts, then you will barely hold on to 225 lb barbell with double overhand. Grip can overtrain pretty quickly because it is involved in so many aspects of our lives