close enough Benz. We usually do 2 working sets of squats and 20 sec breaks on the set of 50 presses, but what you described will work fine.
That is a heavy day. Light day the weights are cut by about 20-25% and perform 2 sets of 8-10 on leg presses and hacks. Not 50 reps. You should be through the leg/ham part in 30 min on light days, 45 min on heavy days.
Yes, light-heavy. Whether on or not. Still need the recovery time.
Can I push my luck and ask what back, chest, bi & tri (arms) looks like??
W6 - in the link to the thread to the leg workout, you mentioned a workout schedule from a client a few years ago --- could I put in a request for a copy of that??
Many thanks oh great & illustrious one! (where should I send my check?)
Heh heh - I can't think of anything that would please me more than roving these boards all day! (Oh, except maybe ... sex, leg day, riding a Harely across America, and maybe, just possibly, having a very small piece of MS's brain
Er, well, er, no, actually - that's not all, but when I started listing them, I realised it was going to take me all day and fill up a lot of space here, so I decided to truncate the list.