Thanks so much guys! All this B-day and surgery support is amazing!!! I just wanted to give ya'll a heads up that my breast augmentation went amazingly well. Honestly, my recovery has been like lightening and it's only been a few hours! Hopefully I won't pull a 180 downward spiral tomorrow thought!
Alrighty, tomorrow I think I will be in my 100% most clear(er) frame of mind and I'll be able to update to highlight and detail the day of op, and post op day 1. Haha, don't want to let the oxycodone do all the typing...
bunny told me to stop by this (boobie) log - so so so glad to hear you a feeling great post-op. and i was so excited to read that not only are you on the same page as me with the boobies, but also with the squats - awesome hitting that 205, girl!!!! Please post away regarding your approach to training/diet post-op. I will be eagerly awaiting it because I know it will drastically change what I'm about for a few months.