thank god
the best way to get ur chest to develop is focus on improving your 3 main presses (incline, decline and flat)
u could even skip flat if ya wanted, i didnt do flat for 6 months and still managed to increase my flat bench through declines and inclines, just pointing that out, of cpourse flat is great so i dont reccomened skipping it for long, but just saying u can do without it for abit if you feel u becoming bored with your workouts
the chest pectorial split/development comes from 3 factors
1. the size fo your chest
2. ur bf%
3. genetics
your chest will develop the way your genetics allow you to, you cannot change the shape or the way your chest develops, if you are geneticly prone to have a flat chest that hangs real low (arnold schwazzengger was prime example of this), then that is wat you will always have, if you have a geneticaly thick chest that doesnt hang that low (ronnie coleman example), then that is how your chest will form as it grows
but anyways the best way to get ur chest to develop is simply 1 method,
Improving your bench press
thats it, the more you can bench, the bigger and stronger your chest will be (along with your shoulders and triceps)
focus on the decline, incline and flat bench presses, and your goal should be to increase your strength in these lifts
i guarantee you, if you can bench 315 for 10 reps, ull have a nice well developed chest, and if you drop ur bf% down your chest split will form and give you that nice cracked look (if ur already naturally lean, you wont have to do this part)
quick example
YouTube - Ronnie Coleman : 1997
YouTube - body building - arnold schwarzenegger - biceps training