OMEGA said:
its most unfortunate for many that they have been seduced into training like Power lifters
and treating themselves like Yellow Dump Trucks ( I did this to myself and it has taken time to undo)
Im kind of disappointed to see you say that. The fact is for most people (oh let's say 99%) the typical BB style workout will never yield results beyond year 1,2? maybe more for some with good genetics... it is just a flawed system overall.
"Lifting like a powerlifter" works because you get stronger, and when you get stronger you use more weight and continue to make progress... Most people on this board prob havent added 20lbs to their squat (If they even DO squats) in the last year...
However, I believe your point about the "dump truck" is just shoveling in food to get bigger... I do agree with that, but again most people just dont eat enough anyway!
Obviously you have made great progress with this guy, and he obviously has some tremendous genetics and is Very strict with what he is doing... Not everyone is so blessed, or so committed.
My overall point is the powerlifter mentality would do a lot of good for most people on here or at least LEARNING why it does or does not work for them, vs following some other advice like a sheep. Personally I have made some pretty unbelievable strength gains alternating a 5x5 and HST program... additionally I actually like the HST better because of the rep schemes, and I like both because you are making Planned Progress. Which I believe is more important than anything:
Perfect Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance
Again, this kid looks great, well done!