I have a lot of confidence in Omega. His supplements have always been top notch and his general advice I just can't ever find myself in disagreement with. When him and I talked about the training he was putting his friend through, he sounded so passionate (borderline fanatical) about his methodology, I couldn't help but to believe in him. Somebody who believes so strongly in his knowledge and can hold a conversation with me about advanced training principles, without skipping a beat, is truly a rare find. Omega is one of the few guys on the net who doesn't just parrot good advice he reads from good bros, he actually challenges common believes about training, nutrition and supplementation. He is not afraid to stand alone with his training principles and smash archaic regurgitated believes in the face with intricate out-of-the-box thinking.
The guy is already running a successful supplement company. At the current rate, he can barely keep his products in stock. I talked him into doing the personalized training for EF members. I'm glad I did! He is changing lives plain and simple.
Just to prove a point. I might submit myself to Omega's tutelage.