It's kinda like golf. With any given exercise, there's disagreement over some minor details. People are claiming "proper" form is a number of slightly different things. There are also a lot of variations on a common theme, such as the squat, with low bar, high bar olympic, powerlifting-style, front squat, zercher, and god knows what else.
Anyway, back to golf. The way you learn how to swing a club is by a combination of practice and instruction. When you learn to start playing, you basically go hack at the ball on the driving range, and the local pro awkwardly guides you through the semblence of a correct swing. You go play a couple week's worth of rounds, then return to the pro for reevaluation. Repeat ad nauseum. Even pros still consult on their form.
So, why do I bring up golf? Similar to swinging a golf club, there are some exercises (Stiff-legged deadlifts come to mind), that simply
feel unnatural. There's only so much you can learn watching the goofy guy on . My advice would be to find someone knowledgeable who can coach you through the motions with no or very low weight until you can get the "feel" of it. Then I would slowly increment the weight towards your limits over the course of a couple weeks, rechecking semi-frequently with your instructor to see if it's still on target. That being said, learning freeweight motions is a helluva lot easier than becoming awesome at golf. Good luck.