And as for MOST NON-aromatizing androgens, with the exception or TREN, will be much lighter on the HPTA, and in MOST cases, not result in shutdown. (Var,Primo, Tbol)
NOW, there is a unique advantage to being SUPRESSED--but not shutdown....THE REBOUND!
Because test levels are supressed(but not Pituitarily/testiculry shutdown) as sooon as exogenous androgen administration ceases, a drastic increase in both free test and total T levels will occur and continue for ? time. This is known as a REBOUND, and it enables one to continue making solid gains into PCT.
NOW, there is a unique advantage to being SUPRESSED--but not shutdown....THE REBOUND!
Because test levels are supressed(but not Pituitarily/testiculry shutdown) as sooon as exogenous androgen administration ceases, a drastic increase in both free test and total T levels will occur and continue for ? time. This is known as a REBOUND, and it enables one to continue making solid gains into PCT.