I'm not trying to be. I apologize if I came off that way, but I am stating what I believe to be correct based on the information that I have read.
ANY drug (steroid) can cause gyno, hairloss, and shutdown. Period. It is nonsensical and misleading to state that it cant .
You say that there will never be a shortage of bound test in the body. That is true......if one is NOT on AAS. However, as we both know, total test ALWAYS declines with the introduction of exogenous androgen, while the degree is debatable. Test is also in the body a VERY short length of time. It will not have "plenty" of total test on 2 days worth of tren, I assure you.
If the body is only making 10% of the test it should be, and it still retains that 1% of it as free, you are still at 1/10 of the amount of test you started at. Then you introduce your test freeing drug. Total test goes down. % of free test rises. Where does that leave you? It may leave some in favorable conditions (higher than normal free T), but there is the distinct possibility that the user could be left with lower than baseline free T levels. Not something I am willing to risk.
In my opinion, I will take [the possibility of] a little bit of extra supression, as well as the chance of sides (as with ANY drug) to make absolutely sure that I have a favorable amount of T and enough to assure that my body has all it needs to complete other functions in which T assists.
Also, what about lipids?? 17aa's are FAR, FAR worse on your lipids that test and nandrolone. THAT is a side I dont like Long term, I dont give a shit about acne or hairloss, but I really cant do much if my heart is, well, busted.