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RossLovesMoney said:I am sorry, but you are wrong about a few things.
NON-Aromatizing steroids can NOT cause gyno. Not during post-cycle, never--period. (WITH the RARE exception in someone who had Pubetural gyno)
NOT ALL STEROIDS can cause hairloss and shutdown. In extremely sensitive individuals who are genetically predisposed, hairloss MAY occur from any androgen, but in general, the LIKLIHOOD of hairloss is MUCH greater wuth compounds like TEST, DBOL, and FINA, rather than tbol, var, and EQ.
SHUTDOWN (defined by COMPLETE PITUITARY AND TESTICULAR inhibition)only occurs with HIGHLY androgenic/Estrogenic compounds such as the PRIMARY sex hormone TESTOSTERONE , Anadrol, and its Progestenic brothers, Deca and Tren...Reduced Testosterone production will likely occur from any exogenous hormone being adminsitered.
Your body has enough BOUND test to last your body YEARS--without ANY test production. You will never "RUN OUT". I don't think you understand the role Sex hormone binding globulin plays in maintaining homestasis within the endocrine system.
Lipid profile can be improved DRASTICALLY by taking Nolvadex, which has been clinically demonstrated to do so.
And finally--it is SAFER for your body to be shutdown--than to be producing SUPRAPHYSIOLOGICAL doses of TEST. There is a reason the medical community uses Synthetic adndrogens over test.
Im sorry, I disagree on pretty much all accounts, for reasons that I have already explained. Except for the fact that nolva is good for lipids. It is decent, but iit certainly isnt magic. I also try to stay off of nolva as much as possible. I dont like the possible long term side effects of it. I just dont take 17AA's, period (well I did, but dont now).
I have PERSONALLY seen a guy get gyno from real var, as well as read about a few other cases of it. Can I still not change your mind about being able to get gyno from var? It is not directly caused by it, but it CAN happen.
And if total test can last for "years" in your system, why to guys constantly come back with PC blood tests of total T levels of < 100?