Dude I haven't done any dips or close grip presses for triceps for about 6 years now and mine grow along just nicely. That bullshit is over rated and highly risky for trainees placing undue stress on their rotar cuff (dips) and wrists (close grip bench)
Get into a moderate volume training style for triceps. About 15 sets of 10-12 reps. Where you just push blood into the muscle over and over. This will stretch the fascia of the muscle and encourage more growth. You don't have to go to failure on the sets either. If the 12th rep is the very last one you can do, while your face is turning red, the weight is stuttering down an inch at a time and you are begging for the Lord to see you get this One-Last-Rep for all that is Holy.... well you just need to stop at 11 and do another set. Fuck that straining and making an ugly face shit.
P.S. Done properly, kickbacks can offer a contraction stronger than 90% of all other exercises.